Tips To Get Your Ads Approved On Facebook

06/10/2012 11:07

 Are Facebook Ads Automatically Approved? No. All Ads have to be submitted for approval. Facebook states: “We do reserve the right to choose what advertising we accept, and may prohibit additional content from being advertised on the site based on user feedback or other information.” Here are some useful tips for making Facebook approve your ads :

1. Please read the rules on advertising of Facebook, you will save time and avoid inconvenience.

Facebook may have very small print in his contract, but taking the time to read it all and understand why it is not possible save you a lot of frustration. All requirements are clearly listed in the advertising section of Facebook.

2. Creating an effective ad that attracts attention of people, but should avoid following factors:

  • Make a hard sell in the ad
  • Do not make specific statements of earnings
  • Do not place irrelevant or blurred images
  • Do not put words in all capital letters Post
  • Do not place text or images in poor taste or offensive
  • Do not use abbreviations, asterisks, symbols, etc.
  • Never put in any Pop up Ad
  • Offers but do not sell

3. What if you do:

  • Uses the same image in your ad and landing page
  • Placed privacy policy and terms and conditions links in your landing page
  • Clarify the process that people will have to follow to get the gift announced

4. Facebook is very strict in terms of how to handle their name and image in ads. It is always helpful to add this text: "The products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Facebook, nor have they been reviewed or certified by Facebook"


5. As important as your ad or more is your landing page. Depending on how you have done this, you can be approved your ad or not, except that according to sales you will have developed whether or not you announce the approval.

  • Advertisers use their landing pages and rejected immediately. To comply with the rules of Facebook, the URLs listed in the ad content must link indicating the domain. The ads must also send the user to the landing page and must contain information that is relevant to the content of the ad
  • The landing page has to talk about the same or be a continuation of your advertisement. If they have nothing to do with each other, the announcement will be rejected.
  • Use appropriate graphics on your landing page, no pop ups, they do not violate the rules or policies of Facebook.
  • Make it easy on the eye; do not use landing pages that are loaded with colors that blind you with lots of moving images. The best thing is to create simple pages, attractive and easy to see and understand for your visitors.
  • The images must be clear and attractive, that encourage clicking. A picture should be worth a thousand words.
  • The words you use in your landing page are also very important, clear and strong messages without falling into falsehood.
  • The landing page should be simple, it should be without charge and with text or video.

6. The wording of an ad that is deceptive, misleading, or unverifiable statements include not endorsed by Facebook. Do not try to decorate your ad with false or misleading statements. Keep it simple and focused and your ad should go fast approval.

7. Be very careful when choosing your target audience, so that the wording of the ad is relevant and acceptable to the demographics you want to reach. Providing adult things to 15 year olds will make your ad is rejected.

The results of your ad campaign on Facebook Ads will depend on many factors such as the product, service or business you're promoting, the header and the image you're using in your ad, landing page or landing page and even there is competition for the same target audience.

Your return on investment will depend on how well you manage inbound and how to close sales.

About Writer : Vishal Shah is an Online Marketer. He is owner of the Website Development Company and passionate about iPhone Application Development .